Imagine too!
Towards the Future
Discover vintage concept art that explores futuristic automobile design. Imagine too! includes artists previously seen in Imagine! as well as never-before-featured artists.

Journey into the Future of Automobiles As Conceptualized by Artists of the mid-1900s

Patrick G. Kelley, author of Imagine too!, was born in 1955. Back then, America appeared to be thriving, and our dreams of the future were bright. In addition to happy and comfortable lives, we also had access to news, entertainment, and information that we never had before. But more than that, we were promised a future full of wonders. Robot servants, teleportation pods, and flying cars – it all seemed within reach. So what happened?
Imagine too! investigates what happened to the promises of the future. Where are our flying cars and why don’t we live in the clouds like the Jetsons? Through vintage concept art, Kelley gives us a glimpse of what the future of automobiles could have been.

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The art pieces shown here call back to another time when the artist had to keep an open mind and eye to the future.
~ Patrick G. Kelley

The Sequel to Imagine!
Patrick G. Kelley’s previous book, Imagine!, featured automobile concept art from the 1930s to the 1980s. During the golden age of American automobile design, the focus was on creating vehicles with ‘eye appeal’ to sell more cars, resulting in thousands of drawings of futuristic models. However, most of these drawings were lost or destroyed to avoid copying. The Kelley Collection features rare survivors of these eye-catching images, honoring the forgotten men and women who drew and designed the cars for the Big Three manufacturers. The book takes readers back to a time of unlimited dreams and vision, showcasing the work of 87 individual artists with 235 unique images.
“A stunning illustrative documentary of a piece of time unknown to most! This book shares a glimpse into the world of so much creativity and vision. Love it!”
Todd R.
Imagine! is sold out, but you can still see select images from The Kelley Collection.

Meet the Author
Patrick G. Kelley was raised in Fresno, California, a city steeped in racing history. For over 20 years, Kelley has been building a remarkable collection of concept art, showcasing his love for vintage automobiles. Through his two books, Imagine! and Imagine too! he gives everyone a chance to delve into the world of vintage automobile concept art.
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